---------------------------------------------------------------------- KERNEL COMPILE MINI-HOWTO Brian Reifsnyder reifsnyderb@mindspring.com Jan 22 2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- As requested, here is how I compiled the kernel: 1. First, I copied the kernel source zip file into a subdirectory called "kernel" on my DOS box so that it would not unzip in the root directory. 2. Unzip the source code. Don't forget to make sure that the directory structure will be unzipped as well. I used PKUNZIP and the command is: PKUNZIP -d KER2017F.ZIP 3. Make sure you have either Borland TC 2.01 or Borland TC++ 3.0 installed on your computer. If you don't, you can go out to Borland's web site and download TC 2.01 for free. Borland's web site is at: http://community.borland.com/museum (Unfortunately, they now make you give them all your personal information in order to login and download the free software.) :-( Note: If you have Borland TC++ 3.0 the instructions are the same but the pathing and which statements get unREM'd out will be different in the instructions below. (I haven't tried compiling the kernel with TC++ 3.0 yet.) 4. Make sure that you have NASM installed on your computer. The latest version is 0.98 and the web site is: http://www.web-sites.co.uk/nasm 5. On my computer TC 2.01 is installed in the subdirectory C:\TC201 and NASM is installed in the subdirectory C:\NASM. 6. Make sure that the PATH=statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file has pathing for both TC201 and NASM. The path command for my computer is: PATH=C:\DOS;C:\;C:\PKWARE;C:\TC201;C:\TC201\INCLUDE;C:\TC201\LIB;C:\NASM (I added the \INCLUDE and \LIB directories as an overkill, just in case.) 7. Make sure that the set MAKE= statement in the CONFIG.B file is set appropriately for your system. If you have TC 3.0, it will need changed. 8. Copy the CONFIG.B file to CONFIG.BAT 9. Edit the CONFIG.M file appropriately for your system. Almost everything it REM'd out and you will have to delete the "#'s" in the statements appropriate to the C compiler you have installed. 10. Copy the CONFIG.M file to CONFIG.MAK 11. Go down one subdirectory to the \LIB subdirectory and edit the LIBM.MAK file similar to the way you edited the CONFIG.M file in item 9 above and return to the previous subdirectory level. 12. Type "BUILD" and the kernel should be created in the \BIN subdirectory. 13. To create a boot disk go to the \BIN subdirectory, place a blank formatted floppy disk (1.44MB 3.5") in drive A: and type INSTALL A: After the batch file finishes you should have a FreeDOS boot disk with the compiled kernel. Note: If for some reason the build fails, and the kernel is not created, do the following: 1. Try running the clean batch file and then running BUILD. 2. Try running the clean batch file, the clobber batch file, then running BUILD. 3. If that doesn't work, post a question to the list because I don't know what happened.